~ Celebrating 10 Years in Business in 2024 ~


What kind of Yoga do you teach?

Hi there! I'm here to guide you through Hatha Yoga, a practice that's perfect for everyone, whether you're just starting out or looking to advance your practice. It's the kind of yoga that welcomes beginners with open arms and provides more challenging options for experienced practitioners.

In my sessions, we keep it gentle, always blending breath with movement to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience. I've got modifications ready for each person based on their unique strength and flexibility, because, we're all wonderfully different. I work hard to ensure you're comfy and stable in every pose and breath practice.

Why do you teach one-on-one or small-groups?

My goal is to offer you accessible, comfortable, and safe yoga practices that are simple yet profound. Small groups, duos, and one-on-one personalized Yoga classes are the best way for me to do that.

I've soaked up all my Yoga wisdom from the incredible tradition of T. Kriṣṇamācārya, an Indian Yoga teacher, ayurvedic healer, and scholar (from 1888 to 1989). His teachings carried on through his son, T.K.V. Deśikācar, who spread the Yoga worldwide and at the KYM in Chennai, India. Today, his grandson, Kausthub Deśikācar, continues sharing Viniyoga — the personalized practice of Yoga tailored to each student's unique needs.

So, what's Viniyoga all about? It's the heart of Yogatherapy, a healing approach that refines postures, sequences them optimally, and ascribes therapeutic value to all of Yoga's tools: āsana, prānāyama, meditation, and chanting. It's like a personalized Yoga prescription designed just for you. I love it healing power.

What is Yogatherapy?

Let's talk about Yogatherapy -- the healing approach to personalized Yoga that includes refining postures, sequencing them optimally, and ascribing therapeutic value to the many tools of Yoga: āsana, prānāyama, meditation, and chanting. Consider it your tailor-made prescription for a healthier, happier you.

Now, becoming a Yogatherapist? It's a deep dive, over 1,000 hours of training beyond regular yoga teacher training. It's about getting into the nitty-gritty of the healing models of Yoga and its transformative power in a one-on-one or small-group setting.

As a Yogatherapist, my goal is to be your wellness ally. We work closely, considering your health, lifestyle, and what matters to you. The mission? Using yoga as your tool to tackle everything from physical challenges to stress and anxiety. Think of it as enhancing your self-awareness, promoting healing, and giving you the tools to support your well-being. Are you ready to embark on this journey together?

New to yoga or returning after a break?

Fantastic! I adore teaching newcomers—it's kind of my specialty. To kick things off, I suggest trying a Gentle Group Class. Alternatively, you can opt for a personalized one-on-one or duo series, where we'll break down the basics tailored just for you or with a friend for some added accountability. I am excited to get started on this yoga journey with you!

Do you have drop-in classes?

Great to have you interested in joining me at Blessings Yoga! Just a heads up, I don't host day-of drop-in classes—everything's booked with at least 24 hours' notice.

Why? Well, I like to make sure each session is personalized just for you.

And here's a little tip: I highly recommend we have a chat before you jump into any classes.

This way, we can do an essential yoga assessment, figure out your preferences, and ensure you get the best out of your practice.

Ready to dive in? You can easily schedule a Discovery Call. It's a casual chat where we can discuss all your options and make sure you find the perfect fit for your wellness journey.

Looking forward to chatting with you and making your yoga experience at Blessings Yoga exactly what you need!

What are your fees?

Curious about my fees? You'll find all the details right here on the website. Just head to the Classes tab, and voilà— there it is at the bottom of the dropdown!

Now, when it comes to fees, I want to keep things transparent and straightforward. I believe that everyone should have access to the incredible benefits of yoga and Yogatherapy without any mystery around the costs.

Whether you're looking to join a class or explore Yogatherapy, my fee structure is designed to be clear and accessible. It's all about making sure you have the information you need to make the best choice for your wellness journey.

So, take a peek, and if you have any questions or need more info, I'm just a message away. Let's make your journey to wellness as smooth and stress-free as possible!



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