~ Celebrating 10 Years in Business in 2024 ~

Mighty Duo

The Many Shapes of Yoga for Two

Joyful Duet

Four-Week Series

Come together to explore Yoga with a friend, mate, co-worker, child, or sibling. You'll have fun as you encourage each other to learn and grow. A step-by-step progression occurs over your first 4 weeks of consecutive Yoga classes. We'll move at YOUR pace, learning breath and movement sequences that meet the two of you where you are.

Begin with Simple Steps

Step 1

  • Your first Yoga session begins with an assessment. We'll talk about why you the two of you are interested in trying Yoga together, your goals and what you are looking to gain.
  • Then we will break out into 20-minute Yoga assessments for each person in your duo.
  • Individual assessments will include a postural assessment, strength and flexibility discovery, and review of any current or past injuries.
  • After we meet, I will prepare a customized 4-week plan to commence in our weekly sessions together.

Step 2

  • After your assessment is complete, you will begin consecutive weeks of classes in a series of personalized classes for two.
  • I will guide you as you steadily progress and we co-create a Yoga practice that supports the goals and health needs of each participant. Your individual needs will be different, and I will create practice that includes modifications for each participant.
  • Each week's class includes checking in, review of your practice, and adjustments based on your feedback.

Step 3

  • Your Yoga Journey also includes customized Yoga practices that you can both do at home. We'll talk about the best time of day for each of you to practice as well as the ideal length and time you can devote to a daily practice.
  • Your customized practices will include select tools of Yoga, and may vary depending on your personal needs.
  • Yoga tools include Yoga postures, breathing, sound, and visualization in carefully chosen ways to help you meet your goals and support you on your healing path.

The Blessings of Yoga for Two

A special class for two. Create a strong foundation with personalized attention for two people.

Enjoy an Intimate Setting. Connect with friends and loved ones, restore connections, deepen intimacy, and grow your appreciation for one another.

Experience One-on-One Attention. Enjoy personalized attention and hands-on learning as we review in-depth each Yoga pose adapted to you and your partner's needs, breathing, and meditative approaches.

Deepen your Yoga practice. Move from beginner stages and beyond to experience the benefits of a sustained and regular Yoga practice.

Be Accountability Partners. Built-in accountability when you pair up to learn Yoga together.

Calm your Mind. Together, you'll learn to move into rest and relaxation for more peaceful states of mind.

Improve Breathing Together. When you breathe with your partner, you'll notice you each have your own way of breathing. With practice, you'll improve your breath capacity while building a bridge to each other and peace.

Increase Strength and Flexibility. Regular and gentle movement with breathing can help improve strength and flexibility and provide rejuvenation through take-home Yoga practices personalized for you.


Discover the best class option for you.